Yale University Negotiation Course
With the COVID 19 lockdown in place, I decided to take the opportunity to study Yale University’s online course ‘Introduction to Negotiation: A Strategic Playbook for Becoming a Principled Negotiator’ run in conjunction with Coursera.
The 8-week course is run by Professor Barry Nalebuff of Yale School of Management and uses a series of online lectures/videos, along with live webinars. In addition, the students are required to participate in a number of live negotiations with other students using Zoom, and submit 5 minute videos of the highlights for review. My negotiations were all with international students (two in Asia and one in Africa).
I understand that the course is based on the core course which Professor Nalebuff teaches first year MBA students at Yale. I found his background in business strategy and game theory gave rise to a different approach and emphasis to negotiation courses usually taught by lawyers.
As a mediator and also a litigation solicitor, I found that the course complemented my experience and training especially well.